A New Year 2023

2022 was a year full of adventures and celebrations. It really was a great year and each time I think about it, I smile!

January has made its debut and I do enjoy the start of a new year and fresh beginnings. It’s a time to reflect on the previous year and set intentions for the next 365 days. I am taking the memories, energy and momentum from the past year and am ready to take on 2023.

Instead of resolutions, I prefer to select a word that serves as an intention for the year. For 2023, I have chosen the word simplify. I want to make our home, our routines and our things a bit simpler.


Life can get busy. I want our family to prioritize the activities that we want to do and be able to say no to the things that we just aren’t that crazy about. Making sure that we have time for fun and some down time to relax and recuperate is a good mix that we can all benefit from. I mean we don’t always need to be busy, right?


Now, this will probably take me all year long, but I’d love to really go through all of our belongings and truly declutter. It’s time to get rid of the things that we really don’t need. The things that we do keep can be a bit more organized. An Instagram account that has inspired me that you should definitely check out is @thebartahouse .

We are 5 days into 2023 and I am ready for all that lies ahead in this new year. Streamlining our lives seems meaningful, beneficial and the timing is just right.

What are you looking forward to in 2023?


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Save the Date - January