What's Your Plan for 2022?

So here we are, January of 2022, and it’s as good of a time as any to take the time and write out your plan for 2022.

So you might be thinking that sounds like a daunting task, but believe me, you’ll accomplish more and meet those goals if you have an idea of where you’re headed.

Let’s Break it Down

  • Keep in mind you can have goals for different kinds of categories. My goals fall into travel, work (full-time and my small business), financial and personal goals. Whatever my heart might be set on, can fall into one of these categories.

  • Putting my goals on paper allows me to make a plan, work towards it and make it happen. While some goals may need some adjustments along the way, having short term goals that build up to your overall goal will help you be even more successful.

  • Make those goals visual! Make sure you see those goals on a daily basis. Maybe you make a vision board that reminds you on a daily basis of what you are working towards, you could have post-its on your bathroom mirror with steps that you’re taking to achieve those goals or you are referring to your planner each day to see those reminders.

  • Don’t forget to check in with your goals often and make yourself accountable. Give yourself some grace, but reassure yourself that you can make anything happen!

  • Last but not least, celebrate your wins! Be proud of yourself for making things happen. Live in the moment and keep up with your goal setting.

This is a busy time of year in my life, so I am carving out time to really jot down what I want this year to look like. I have had to remind myself more often than not, that I am going to have to be flexible when some things are out of my control. I’ll give you an example, I have had a fun trip planned and because of Covid-19, some changes have had to be made. I now believe that it’s all working out how it’s meant to and I am thankful to have the opportunity to travel with my family. The world has changed so much and there are some aspects that I will have to embrace, especially when it comes to travel. I am still making my travel plans for the year, but am now looking at destinations that are less stressful to get to and at times are closer to home. See, I am giving myself a little grace and pushing out some timelines of when I would like to visit certain destinations. I am all about making travel as enjoyable as possible and sometimes a little flexibility is needed.

Recommendations to Help you Plan

  • No Limits 2022 Planner - This is the first time that I am using the planner and I am loving it! There is space for your goals, everyday life and to jot down your reflections. The small business behind the planner is also so great!

  • The January Book Club Pick, The 12 Week Year: Get More Done in 12 Weeks Than Others Do in 12 Months by Brian Morgan and Michael Lennington is worth reading. Instead of looking at the whole year, you focus on 12 weeks at a time. I am just about done with the book and feel that the steps are doable. I am looking to implement at the beginning of February.

  • Google Calendar - I use my Google calendar in addition to a paper planner for my business. I really like the reminders, color coding and ability to share events with others.

What’s a goal you have in mind for 2022? I know you can make it happen!


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